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- High Performance Amplifier Solutions for LTE and Beyond
- Digital Predistorters Sensitivity to Delay Alignment Resolution
- Effects of Crest Factor reduction on the Predistortion Performance for Multi-Carrier 3G RF Power Amplifiers
- High Efficiency Base Station Amplifier Architectures Utilizing LDMOS and GaN High Power Transistors
- On The predistortability Of High Efficiency Multi-Carrier Power Amplifiers For Wireless Commmunications Infrastructure
- Variable Beamwidth Array for Wireless Communications
- A Broad Band Dual Polarized Azimuth Beam Width Adjustable Antenna for Wireless Communications
- Adjustable Dual Beam Wireless Base Station Antenna
- Linear Power Amplifiers for Digital Cellular: An Introduction
- Wireless Basestation Technology Evolution
- Amplifying with W-CDMA
- Ultra-Linear Power Amplifier Characterization Using Dynamic Range Extension Technique
- Power Amplifier Linearisation through Trans-conductance-Synthesis
- Error Signal Reuse in a Feedforward Amplifier
- Amplifier Efficiency Enhancement Through Dynamic Bias Switching
- Bias Circuit Topologies for Minimization of RF Amplifier Memory Effects
- Comparative Analysis of GaAs/LDMOS/GaN High Power Transistors in a DigitalPredistortion Amplifier System
- Distributed Antenna Systems and the Evolution of Wireless Network Architectures
- A Broadband Vertical Polarized Antenna for Wireless Communications
- A Broadband Dual Polarized Antenna Element for Wireless Communications
- On On the Effects of The Average Power of tracking sequences Used to Synthesize Memory Digital Predistortion in WCDMA Transmitters
- Digital Predistorter Architecture with Small Signal Gain Control for Highly Nonlinear RF Power Amplifiers A Data-Based Nested LUT Model for RF Power Amplifiers Exhibiting Memory Effects
- On The Sensitivity of RF Transmitters’ Memory Polynomial Model Identification to Delay Alignment Resolution
- A Compact Envelope-Memory Polynomial for RF Transmitters Modeling With Application to Baseband and RF-Digital Predistortion
- Dielectric Fortification for Wide-Beamwidth Patch Arrays Axial-Rotation Beamwidth Adjustable Arrays For Wireless Communications
- Leverage Technology Advances To Support 3G Wireless Applications Synergetic Crest Factor Reduction and Baseband Digital Predistortion for Adaptive 3G Doherty Power Amplifier Linearizer Design
- 2-D Vector Quantized Behavioral Model for Wireless Transmitters’ Nonlinearity and Memory Effects Modeling Novel Approach for Static Nonlinear Behavior Identification in RF Power Amplifiers Exhibiting Memory Effects
- Power Amplifiers’ Model Assessment and Memory Effects Intensity Quantification using Memoryless Post-compensation Technique
- A Balanced 11 GHz HEMT Up-Converter
- Phase Transients in Digital Radio Local Oscillators